Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

Our Commitment

Ideal Trading is committed to:

  • Ensure and maintain a non-discriminatory working environment
  • Implement measures that improve the capabilities of any employee who may have been previously disadvantaged
  • Provide a preferential recruitment and selection procedure

To implement the above, Ideal Trading is committed:

  • To ensure that there is equal opportunity for all employees to have access to facilities and opportunities that Ideal Trading may offer without reference to race, gender or creed.
  • To provide opportunities for persons from the target group to develop into key personnel based on their potential and ability to perform.

DTI Scorecard

The company is categorized as a Level 2 Contributor to empowerment on the DTI’s B-BBEE balanced scorecard. All dealings or procurement of services from Ideal Trading will attract 135% score for our clients and business associates on their scorecards. A certificate of our scorecard is available on request.